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long johns 〔口語〕長內衣褲。

long jump

Before you could wink , long john had fired two barrels of a pistol into the struggling merry ; and as the man rolled up his eyes at him in the last agony , george , said he , i reckon i settled you 一眨眼的功夫,高個兒約翰的手槍對準還在掙扎的墨利雙筒響。墨利在斷氣前翻起一雙眼睛瞪著他。 “喬治, ”西爾弗說, “這下我可讓你閉上嘴了。 ”

While japanese autumns are usually mild , the winter months could become uncomfortably cold for civil servants who refuse to pull on a pair of long johns or a woolly vest 報道說,日本今夏的“清涼商務”節能行動曾促使數十萬名日本國家機關公務員添置新裝,這次“溫暖商務”行動將可能引發日本秋冬季男裝銷量大漲。

The two gentlemen regretted that black dog had got away but we all agreed there was nothing to be done , and after i had been complimented , long john took up his crutch and departed 兩位紳士為“黑狗”跑掉了而感到遺憾,但是我們一致認為這是沒辦法的事。在得到一番稱贊之后,高個子約翰架著拐走了。

Long john silver , he is called , and has lost a leg ; but that i regarded as a recommendation , since he lost it in hi country s service , under the immortal hawke 人們叫他高個子約翰西爾弗,他少了一條腿但是我認為那是他可取之處,因為他是在那不朽的豪克上將麾下為祖國服務的時候失去這條腿的。

Long john silver unearthed a very competent man for a mate , a man named arrow . i have a boatswain who pipes , livesey ; so things shall go man - o - war fashion on boar the good ship hispaniola 我有個吹哨子召集水手的水手長,利弗西這樣一來,在伊斯班裊拉號船上,事情將以軍艦上的方式來進行。

Long john was hard at work going from group to group , spending himself in good advice , and as for example no man could have shown a better 高個子約翰從一堆人的身邊走到另一堆人的身邊,賣力地活動著,竭盡全力地勸說著,做出任何人都不可能比他更好的榜樣的姿態。

Oh , well , you have , i know that , returned long john . you needn t be so husky with a man ; there aint a particle of service in that , and you may lay to it “噢,好啦,我知道你有, ”高個子約翰答道, “跟手下講話不必那么不客氣,這沒有一點用處,你要明白這一點。

He was a great confidant of long john silver , and so the mention of his name leads me on to speak of our ship s cook , barbecue , as the men called him 他是高個子約翰西爾弗的至交,因此一提到他的名字,就讓我跟著說到我們船的廚子, “大叉燒” ,人們那樣稱呼他。

I was so pleased at having given the slip to long john , that i began to enjoy myself and look around me with some interest on the strange land that i was in 從高個子約翰手下溜掉,我得意極了,開始興致勃勃地欣賞起我登上的這塊陌生的陸地的風光來。

We were all hard at work , changing the powder and the berths , when the last man or two , and long john along with them , came off in a shore - boat 當高個子約翰和最后的一兩個人劃著岸上的小劃子過來時,我們全都在努力地工作著,搬運火藥以及挪動鋪位。

He had good schooling in his young days , and can speak like a book when so minded ; and brave - a lion s nothing alongside of long john “他在年輕的時候受過很好的教育,經心的時候能講書上的字眼而且他勇敢一頭獅子在高個子約翰身旁算不得什么!

Long john told the story from first to last , with a great deal of spirit and the most perfect truth . that was how it were now , weren t it , hawkins 高個子約翰神氣十足,極其準確地描繪了事情的經過, “事情就是這樣,喂,霍金斯,是不是這樣? ”

Long john s eyes burned in his head as he took the char but , by the fresh look of the paper , i knew he was doom to disappointment 當高個子約翰接過這張圖時,他的眼睛在眼眶子里燃燒起來但是,我一看到這擔新的紙就知道,他肯定是要失望了。

We were already between them and the boats ; and so we four sat down to breathe , while long john , mopping his face , came slowly up with us 我們已跑到了他們和小船之間,于是我們四人坐下來歇了口氣,高個兒約翰抹著臉上的汗慢慢地走過來。

Ay , ay , mates , said long john , who was standing by with his crutch under his arm , and at once broke out in the air and words i knew so well - 高個子約翰應道,他正胳膊底下架著拐,站在一旁。然后他立刻沖天唱出對我來說是那么熟悉的歌來

Jim meets long john silver , a man with one leg , and jim and long john silver go far across the sea in a ship called the hispaniola to treasure island 他將在航程中遭遇到許許多多的考驗,包括對付那些想要搶奪藏寶圖的惡棍!

I ll put one to that , cried the old mahogany - faced seaman - morgan by name - whom i had seen in long john s public house upon the quays of bristol 他姓摩根,我是在高個兒約翰開設在布里斯托爾碼頭上的酒店里看見他的。

Of all the gloomy features of that gloomy afternoon , this obvious anxiety on the part of long john appeared the worst 在那個陰郁的下午表露出的所有陰郁的征兆中,高個子約翰表現出的這種明顯的焦慮是那最壞的。

Now , morgan , said long john , very sternly ; you never clapped your eyes on that black - black dog before , did you , now “現在,摩根, ”高個子約翰非常嚴厲地說道, “你以前從沒見過這個黑黑狗,是不是,嗯? ”